It’s So Easy: 3 Wise DMs 18 Favorite Dungeon Master Hacks To Help Make Running Your TTRPG Game That Much Easier

Running a game is a lesson in balance. There are so many dials and mechanics that you need to play with while also focusing on what Gary Gygax referred to as being “the Shaper of the Cosmos.” Anyone who has started running games or has been running for decades has found hacks to make running the game that much easier and streamlined. In this episode, Tony, Chris, and Dave discuss their favorite DM hacks that we’ve employed in our games.

When Good Gaming Groups Go Bad: 3 Wise DMs Tips On How To Continue Your TTRPG Campaign With Only One Player

Game groups fall apart. It’s as inevitable as the rain. What do you do when your current group goes south, but you still have a player who wants to continue? Do you continue with the current campaign? Do you now run the entire rest of the party, the monsters, and all the NPCs? The 3 Wise DMs answer long-time listener Jared’s question about his Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign and delve deeper into utilizing Sidekicks, DMPCs, and other tips with one-on-one gaming. And, as an added surprise, we introduce our newest co-host…

The Fine Line: 3 Wise DMs List of the 5 Most Overpowered Feats and Abilities in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition

With 5e being an arguably complicated system, not every rule or power is going to be perfectly balanced. However, some defy reason making them so wildly powerful that it’s hard to believe they not only made it into the Player’s Handbook but were never amended. This is why we have put a list together of five things everyone enjoys having in their campaign – except, possibly, the DM. 

Strahd’s Maker: How 3 Wise DMs Kitbashed an Epic Finale to Their Curse of Strahd D&D Campaign

It’s easily one of the most iconic settings in all of D&D history and we’ve gone into detail about how we homebrewed sections of Curse of Strahd for our table. But, what do you do when the long-running adventure you’ve been running ends at around 10th level? How do you handle it when your players want to continue with this set of characters and take it all the way to epic tiers?

DMing All-Ranged Parties in Dungeons and Dragons 5E

It was near impossible to make the all-ranged party work in earlier editions, but in Dungeons and Dragon 5E, it can work shockingly well. It can even “ruin” the campaign for DMs who don’t know how to handle it. On the other hand, if you make them spend all their time shut away in bare 10’ dungeon corridors, that ruins the fun for the party and likely ends in a level-1 TPK. So how do you DM the all-ranged party so you and the players all have fun?

7 Ways to Make Monsters Interesting for Both New Players and Veterans

When we did our podcast about how to play iconic monsters, it was suggested that D&D-specific creatures are like celebrities. However, just like anything, if it gets too much exposure, it can get staler than some of my jokes. That’s a concern when the same creatures get too much airtime over the course of one or more campaigns. And while there is nothing wrong with getting into the deep cuts of the monster list, there are other options. This is why we’ve put together a list of ways to make monsters more interesting for new and seasoned players alike.

Quick and Dirty D&D Mass Battle Rules Even Non-Gamers Can Understand

One of the hardest things for me about higher-level play in D&D is that, inevitably, we’re going to war. At that point, either I need to present the war as a bunch of solo, special-forces vignettes – which is an OK approach, but misses something for me – or a bunch of players who never had much interest in wargames are going to have to grasp a unit-level wargaming system. So over the years, I’ve come up with a quick and dirty way to put player characters in charge of units in a way that isn’t too far removed from regular D&D play. We just had one of these sessions, and the players all grokked it easily and said they enjoyed it. Here’s what we did.

8 Tips to Improve Your Game With Better Turn Control for Both Players and DMs 

One of the hallmarks of D&D is its structured turn-based system. And while this has advantages, it is not without its downsides – such as how a single combat can suck up more of the session than everyone trying to decide what they want for game night dinner. This is why we’ve composed a list of 8 tips that will make turns, rounds, scenes and scenarios run smoother without the DM or players feeling rushed. 

What Makes a ‘Bad’ Spell or Ability?

In our most recent episode, we talked about character builds and abilities that really tick us off. During that, I called Banishment a bad spell that was poorly designed, boring, and keeps the DM from being able to use a whole class of encounters. “Show us where on the doll Banishment hurt you,” you ask? OK, here’s how I decide if a spell or ability is broken and why I think this spell is bad game design.

How Hard Is Too Hard for Your RPG Campaign and Players?

Balance can be the trickiest thing to strike in any RPG campaign. On the one hand, the DM is running monsters and villains who are literally plotting the PC’s destruction. A game that’s not challenging is unrewarding. On the other, a game that gets too hard can frustrate your players right out of wanting to play it. So where is the balance? How hard is too hard for your style of game and your players?