7 Ways to Make Treasure More Rewarding in Your RPG Campaign

One of the eternal struggles a DM must constantly manage is to what extent they reward their players. This is why we put together seven tips to help you navigate giving out rewards within your games. Make these a part of your game, and your players should feel both rewarded and motivated without dripping in treasure by the end of every session. 

Little Shop of Horrors: 3 Rules for Running D&D Magic Item Stores

Kajit has wares if you have coins.

Should your players be able to buy magical items in your campaign? It’s not a new question for DM’s, and believe me, I understand that plenty of DMs feel very strongly against this. However, I ask you to hear me out because this has worked beautifully in many of my previous campaigns, including the one I’m running now.

RPG Economics: What Can Players Do With All That Gold?

Gold and jewels are all over the treasure tables in the Dungeon Master Guide. But what can they do with it? In this episode, Thorin, Tony and Dave talk about how they handle the RPG economy and the crazy things players can and can’t do with gold in their games.