Keeping Your Story Straight: How We Manage All the DM Details of Our RPG Campaigns

No DM’s plan survives contact with the players. Between remembering the story you’re trying to tell, the details you had to improvise, and the players’ actions (which may or may not have made sense), it can be hard to keep the details straight in your RPG campaign. Thorin, Tony and Dave each have their own tricks for keeping their stories straight.

RPG Session Prep Tips: 3 Ways to Set the Right Scene for Your Game

So, you’re looking to set the right tone, the one that will begin your epic, world-shaking, heartbreaking, history-making, legendary campaign? To introduce the people seated around your dining room table to the fantastical world that they are about to enter? To begin, as our own Universe did, with a Big Bang? In our most recent episode, we delved into the tips and tricks we use to bring our campaigns to life: setting, descriptions, mechanics, etc. However, I thought it would be very helpful to revisit some of the nuts and bolts to my evolving method of Session Prep.

Bringing Your RPG Campaign World to Life: 37 Tricks to Give Your Setting a Soul

Do your players feel into the campaign setting you’re running, or is it just generic D&D world #124 to them? What can you do to bring that world more to life and make it feel unique to you and your players? What makes a D&D session feel like more than just a glorified board game? Here are 37 of the tricks the 3 Wise DMs use to try to make the players feel immersed in our worlds and give the settings some soul.

Rolling the Dice: How to Balance Randomness, Story and PC Agency in TTRPGs

The dice never lie, but they don’t tell great stories, either. So how much of your game do you want to leave up to the dice? When should you roll them and why? What kind of game are you teaching your players to play? Can rolling the dice even discourage role-playing?

DM or PCs: Whose Story Is It, Anyway?

One of the most common assumptions in role-playing games is that the DM brings the story and the players play in it. But is that the way it should be? If the players are controlling the main characters in it, isn’t that, by definition, their story?

3 Ways to Tell RPG Stories: Tips for Designing Campaigns and Long-Form Storytelling

Whether you have an epic story to tell or just hope your new campaign survives week-to-week, mastering long-form storytelling is an essential part of being a Dungeon Master or game master in any game system. And it’s not easy. Listen to this week’s episode to hear how Thorin, Tony and Dave try (and sometimes fail) to tell stories that players remember in their different styles of games.