
Rolling the Dice: How to Balance Randomness, Story and PC Agency in TTRPGs

The dice never lie, but they don’t tell great stories, either. So how much of your game do you want to leave up to the dice? When should you roll them and why? What kind of game are you teaching your players to play? Can rolling the dice even discourage role-playing?

RPG Economics: What Can Players Do With All That Gold?

Gold and jewels are all over the treasure tables in the Dungeon Master Guide. But what can they do with it? In this episode, Thorin, Tony and Dave talk about how they handle the RPG economy and the crazy things players can and can’t do with gold in their games.

19 Crazy Player Characters’ Stunts and How We DMed Them

Thorin, Tony and Dave talk about 19 of the craziest stunts players have pulled in their games and how they bent the systems to make it happen — or sometimes didn’t. Along the way, hear our best secrets for adlibbing and adjudicating some of the hardest situations DMs face.

13 Crazy DM Stunts You Won’t Believe We Pulled

From adventuring Apocalypse Dragons to the PC pile of bugs, what the 3 Wise DMs learned from our (mis)adventures that may have crossed the line.

Your Campaign Isn’t Broken: Recovering From a TPK

So you killed the party? Or you overpowered the party? Or they killed something they shouldn’t have? Or they ruined your story? Campaigns broke, and it’s time to restart! … But is it? In this series, we’ll look at different ways to save campaigns you might think are broken, and we’re starting off with the first campaign killer new DMs run into: The Total Party Kill (TPK).

Our Biggest DM Mistakes and What We Learned From Them

From accidental party kills to evil campaigns that went … well, evil … we’re only Wise DMs because we’ve made all the mistakes more times than we care to remember. What happened, what did we do about it, and what do we wish we’d done differently? We get into all the details and what we’ve learned from them.