7 Questions Dungeon Masters Ask and Our ‘Wisest’ Answers

How do you handle a TPK? How do you get players to do their homework? What are some good D&D 5E monster combos? From Facebook to Twitter to the 3WiseDMs.com website, these are the top Dungeon Master questions listeners have asked the wise guys at 3WD.

The Tao of D&D Encounters: How We Build Fights That Fit Our Games

The encounter is the heartbeat of most D&D games, especially in 5E. Here’s how we work to make them fun in our games, and what we do when they go wrong.

3 Ways to Pace D&D Encounters, Sessions and Games

How much do the 3 Wise DMs plan to get done, and how do they get games back on track when things bog down?

Unclog the Slog: Tracking Initiative and Managing Combat in D&D 5E

Nothing kills a Dungeons & Dragons 5E game faster than combat becoming a bore. And nothing makes combat more boring than long turns, people not knowing who’s up next, and, the worst, a DM who takes longer to move his monsters than the party takes to kill them. The combat slog can turn into Artax … Read more