Just Do It! 3 Wise DMs Interviews a Brand-New D&D Enthusiast About the 13 Tips and Tricks to Mastering the Dungeon

New DMs. It’s easily the most discussed topic in the TTRPG hobby. We’ve talked before about tips and tricks for new DMs looking to run their first games. However, this week, we got the chance to sit down with our return guest Chris and his brand-new to all things fantasy, D&D, and DMing friend, Lenny Szot… who decided to dive into the deep end and run his first game ever! Throughout the episode, we detail 13 tips and tricks to help but, in the end, Lenny’s advice is the most succinct: Just Do It!

Rewrites: 3 Wise DMs 7 Tips to Craft Your Homebrew Ideas Into a Published D&D Adventure

Greetings gamers from all systems, places, and timelines! When preparing to run a new campaign, one of the questions you should be asking is how this game will be different from the last? A shift of scenery is nice but it should mean more than just the places and names changing, where instead of being … Read more

Terrain, Maps & Minis, Oh My! The Long Tradition of Using Terrain and Minis in D&D to Enhance Your Game

In this episode, Tony and Dave sit down with our good friend and fellow gamer, Scott Washburn of Paper Terrain to discuss the tradition of using terrain, maps, and minis from the earliest days of the game up to our current times. Along the way, we discuss how we have used and continue to use physical props to enhance our games as well as the tips and tricks to ease the burden on the DM.

Strahd’s Maker: How 3 Wise DMs Kitbashed an Epic Finale to Their Curse of Strahd D&D Campaign

It’s easily one of the most iconic settings in all of D&D history and we’ve gone into detail about how we homebrewed sections of Curse of Strahd for our table. But, what do you do when the long-running adventure you’ve been running ends at around 10th level? How do you handle it when your players want to continue with this set of characters and take it all the way to epic tiers?

“Heeeere’s Johnny!”: The Long-Awaited Return of 3 Wise DMs

After several months off, and the start of a brand new year, DM Tony and DM Dave are pleased to announce the return of the 3 Wise DMs podcast!

Not Just For Beginnings: How Session Zero Can Serve As An Ongoing Tool In Your D&D Games (And Other RPGs)

Does what you’re currently running still feel fresh and fun? Are your players as invested in it as they were in the beginning? Does something feel missing? Are you burning out?
Beginning to look at what Session Zero does for us at the start of a campaign can assist us in gauging what is happening in an ongoing campaign.

The Epic-Tier Divide: Bringing Your DnD Campaign Into the Wild World of High-Level Play

Epic level play can turn even a visit to hell into a weirdly casual game.

Super-powered archmages, alien vampire gods, Tiamat and the devil himself – once your campaign crosses about level 15, it’s all on the table. But the same is true for super-powerful spells, legendary artifacts, and a hundred other things that make the players as tough as your wildest villain creations. This is why epic-tier play just isn’t the same as everything your campaign has been through before.

3WD Talk Dungeons & Dragons on Dragon Talk!

Our recent article on running scenes outside of your game sessions caught some attention by none other than the official D&D podcast Dragon Talk! So, Thorin and Tony got the chance to sit down with Dragon Talk’s co-host, Shelly Mazzanoble, on their “How to DM” segment to discuss the devil the in the details!

3 D&D 5E Rules That Are Due for an Update

In my previous article, we looked at 10 game mechanics that have become more refined under Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition. However, even the best system is a work in progress. While most of us agree that 5E runs smoothly, it’s not without a few rough spots. Here are three aspects of the current system that could use some fine-tuning and some suggestions on how to make them run better.

10 Issues Dungeons & Dragons 5E Fixed From Previous editions

For many players, 5E wasn’t the first edition of D&D they played. But by the time they did, most found that it corrected a host of previous issues. And while no system is perfect, the newer versions’ downsides were substantially outweighed by all the good things it brought to the table. Here are 10 ways it improved the game (IMHO).