My Name’s the Teacher: Making Leveling with Character Abilities, Oaths, and Patrons Matter in your Dungeons & Dragons Campaign

Sleep takes you as you wrap yourself into your bedroll in your campsite in the forest. Your slumber is surprisingly restful this night. As you wake in the morning, you find yourself having taken an Oath to a God and possessing several new spells…

Not very satisfying, right?

We can all understand that Fighters and Rogues just get better at doing the things they do, but what about Paladins, Warlocks, Clerics, etc… characters that gain incredibly powerful class abilities that are not of this world? In this episode, Tony, Chris, and Dave discuss how they make character choices in leveling matter more when it comes to BIG class changes.

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1:00 Check out our affiliate link at FanRoll Dice for 10% off your entire dice and accessories order!

2:40 Easiest way to start making these choices matter? Backstories!

4:00 Using narrative outside the session to help fill out the big character changes… Oaths, Patrons, etc.

5:30 Not just for the DM – taking the initiative as a player with your character development.

7:10 Have a story reason for big character changes with abilities, feats, etc.

9:00 How we handle players that play classic archetypes in unconventional ways.

11:30 Making Oaths to Gods and Deities carry the weight they require.

12:40 Are Warlocks inherently evil?

15:10 What do Warlock patrons want?

18:45 DM-Player Communication to fit mechanical choices into the overall story.

23:45 An Aside: DM Tony’s new method of multiclassing that we’re using in Journey to Ragnarök.

26:40 Believable Character progression is the spice in your campaign stew.

27:50 Let the players help you plant the seeds for their choices that create the story.

34:50 Final Thoughts.

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