Ending the Campaign: Bringing Your Dungeons & Dragons Story to a Satisfying Conclusion

Ending a long-running Dungeons & Dragons campaign (or any TTRPG) can be one of the most intimidating moments for a DM. You’ve managed to carry the momentum, tension, and player interest for dozens of sessions over perhaps years. How do you wrap all that up into a few final sessions that leave you and your players feeling like it all paid off?

In this episode, Thorin, Tony and Dave answer a reader question all about taking your campaign past the point of no return, to the end-game, and beyond. How do you build tension heading into the final session? How do you make sure your ending grows organically from the quest? How do you customize that fight so it’s challenging and satisfying? The 3 Wise DMs talk about it all in this week’s podcast.

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3:00 A listener question: How do you bring a long-running campaign to a satisfying, not rushed conclusion

6:00 Limit the number of loose ends you need to wrap up

9:00 The game ends when the story ends, not when you run out of levels

12:00 Building tension as you approach the end game

16:00 Customizing your BBEG encounter for the party when they meet it

22:00 Taking the temperature of the party: Are they ready for the end?

30:00 The end game should develop organically from the adventure arc

37:00 The end of the campaign doesn’t have to mean the end of these PCs

40:00 How to plan out the end of your campaign by the session

44:00 Final thoughts

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