Theater of the Mind: Is It a Better Way to Play D&D?

The 3 Wise DMs get old school with their best tips for DMing without maps and minis. Hear what we like about theater of the mind for D&D, what we don’t, and our best tips for making games engaging and fun without maps and minis.

When Crits Go Wrong: The Critical Hit/Miss Table That Nearly Destroyed Our Game

who would win: red dragon on NATURAL 20

If you’ve listened to a few episodes of the podcast, you’ve no doubt heard us talk about the critical miss rule that wiped out half a party. To follow up on this week’s episode about Rolling the Dice, here’s how the old Penndel Critical Hit System worked, where it eventually went wrong, and how I think you could still save it (for any D&D edition) by making some tweaks.

Rolling the Dice: How to Balance Randomness, Story and PC Agency in TTRPGs

The dice never lie, but they don’t tell great stories, either. So how much of your game do you want to leave up to the dice? When should you roll them and why? What kind of game are you teaching your players to play? Can rolling the dice even discourage role-playing?

Something Old, Something New: Tips for Reskinning Existing Characters

How do we feel about playing characters from popular fiction? Well, here’s how I did it with a 5E modern setting and Aeron Pendragon … King Arthur’s long lost descendant in Philadelphia, PA.

Famous Fictional PCs: Should You Allow Pop-Culture Clones in Your RPG Campaigns?

Should your TTRPG campaign allow players to make clones of famous fictional characters (like Drizzt, Riddick or The Avengers)? Maybe. After all if a player is inspired, they’re going to be more engaged. But these can be complicated situations. Here’s how to make them work.

7 RPG Improv Tips for DMing Open-World Campaigns

Some DMs are right at home improving from the first time they open a Monster Manual, while others are never comfortable without a rock-solid module to run for the night. If you want to improv more, or just do it better when you have to, here are seven tips for making it up on the fly.

3 Ways to Design RPG Campaigns: Railroad vs. Open World vs. Dave

Is it better to put players on the train through your tight, entertaining story, or create a reactive world for them wander around at their leisure? In this episode, Thorin, Tony and Dave talk about how they build their campaigns, from what they want to accomplish to how they prepare week to week. Along they’ll way, we’ll look at how the different styles affect the players and their game experience. And we’ll discuss whether or not, in the end, they’re really all that different?

Little Shop of Horrors: 3 Rules for Running D&D Magic Item Stores

Kajit has wares if you have coins.

Should your players be able to buy magical items in your campaign? It’s not a new question for DM’s, and believe me, I understand that plenty of DMs feel very strongly against this. However, I ask you to hear me out because this has worked beautifully in many of my previous campaigns, including the one I’m running now.

RPG Economics: What Can Players Do With All That Gold?

Gold and jewels are all over the treasure tables in the Dungeon Master Guide. But what can they do with it? In this episode, Thorin, Tony and Dave talk about how they handle the RPG economy and the crazy things players can and can’t do with gold in their games.

A Halloween Adventure in Weird NJ – Part Two: The Pain Witch

When we left our heroes, they had found their party member to be missing, possibly kidnapped, by the group known only as “The 13.” Hot on the trail of their compatriot, with the help of the mysterious Visitor, our brave adventurers found themselves transported into a modern-day fairy-tale in Harbor City and their strange City Hall, a former amusement park known as “Storybook Land.” Prepare yourselves for the conclusion of this 2-night Halloween adventure as we travel into the weird, terrifying and true tales of The Black Pines!