7 Big Things D&D PCs Could Do With a Little Downtime

Many D&D campaigns assume that the players change the world most by their adventures. But downtime activities can be every bit as important to shaping the campaign and the world. Sometimes the things done during downtime turn out to be the most memorable parts of your game. Here are 7 of the coolest things I could see players do with downtime and how I would adjudicate them off the cuff.

Party Downtime: When, How and Should You Let the Players Pursue Their Own Character Goals?

Do you actually give your player characters downtime? Or do you keep them slaloming down the plot with barely a weekend to get their equipment sharpened?

Is the Game Interesting If the Players Always Win?

In any game, just like in life, no one enjoys constantly losing. Most people would quickly get discouraged and want to move on to another game or stop playing such games at all. If the players always won, wouldn’t the reverse also be true? Instead of being frustrated with consistently losing, the players would start phoning in every scene and battle because the chance of defeat is less than zero. That’s why the risk of failure is just as important as the risk of death to a good TTRPG game.

When the DM Isn’t Having Fun: How to Fix an RPG Campaign That Feels Like a Chore

The DM is a player, too. If you’re not having fun, there’s no game. Here’s how to figure out what’s wrong and get back to a game you enjoy running.

The Case for the DMPC

Understandably, many DMs and players feel strongly against adding a DMPC to the table. However, I am here to tell you that, if done correctly, this NPC could not only be valuable to the party dynamic but also provide the DM with unique perspective that you’d never get from the other side of the DM screen.

When Metagaming Goes Wrong: How Do You Stop Out-of-Character Knowledge From Ruining Your Game?

It may be the DM’s world, but the players know the game too. They have access to all the books, all the lore, even all the monster stats! What do you do when they can’t keep personal TTRPG knowledge separate from PC knowledge?

Schrodinger’s DM Prep: Every Encounter Is a Quantum Encounter Until Your Players ‘Open the Box’

Is the key encounter/NPC/Lost Tower of Super Badness this way or that way? Maybe it’s both and neither? Everything in your world can be simultaneously alive and dead until the players open that box and find out what’s inside. Here’s how to use that to your advantage and save time on DM prep.

Bringing NPCs to Life: How to Build Legendary Characters Your Players Will Talk About for Decades

The best NPCs become legends, the rest won’t even be memories. How do you bring NPCs to life so players will engage with, trust and remember them?

How to DM an Evil Campaign

To help you to have a successful villainous campaign, I will provide four guidelines that have worked for me in the past. And trust me when I say they can make the difference between a party wiping each other out or creating their own evil pantheon. (And who wouldn’t want to do that?)

How to Move a Stalled RPG Campaign Forward

At some point, every DM sees their campaign get lost in the weeds. How do you get the PCs back on track and involved with the big, bad plotline?