Little Shop of Horrors: 3 Rules for Running D&D Magic Item Stores

Kajit has wares if you have coins.

Should your players be able to buy magical items in your campaign? It’s not a new question for DM’s, and believe me, I understand that plenty of DMs feel very strongly against this. However, I ask you to hear me out because this has worked beautifully in many of my previous campaigns, including the one I’m running now.

The Holy Grail: Making Your Epic & Crazy DM Ideas Work in a Game

Let me start with a warning: I am, and have always been, a DM who wants the party to do crazy, super, heroic things like they are living out scenes from mythology. With that said, let me tell you the tale of Sir Thomas & the Quest for the Holy Grail, and how a truly epic adventure played out in one of my games.