How to DM an Evil Campaign

To help you to have a successful villainous campaign, I will provide four guidelines that have worked for me in the past. And trust me when I say they can make the difference between a party wiping each other out or creating their own evil pantheon. (And who wouldn’t want to do that?)

All-Star Games: A Time-Honored TTRPG Tradition

While it’s great you have this epic story about a dark lord and his all-powerful ring, maybe your players want a break from that weeks-long march to Mount Doom? This gives you, the DM, an opportunity to introduce something known as an “All-Star Game”!

3 Reasons Players Leave Your Game – Revelations From a Year of Gaming

Even Master Yoda and Obi-Wan lost students, and even the best DMs lose players. While there could be literally hundreds of reasons someone leaves a game, I would like to focus on the biggest and how you can hopefully avoid them.

3 Tips to Stop Wasting Game Time – Revelations From a Year of Gaming

Even seasoned DMs can get lost spending their time in the wrong places, both prep time and at the game table. Here are 3 tips for managing yourself and your table to make sure game-related time is spent wisely.

PC Death Is a Necessary Evil – Revelations From a Year of Gaming

There is no punch to the gut quite like losing a character you have been working on for the last 14 or more sessions. Having a craptastic year? Well, now your favorite character is dead too! But sometimes, it has to happen to keep the game real.

A Wise DM’s Guide to Homebrew Magic Items

Custom magical items can add a sense of mystery to the game as well as your own style to the already strong framework of the existing 5E system. I suspect most DM’s and players are open to the idea of introducing non-canon magical items but have valid concerns surrounding these homebrews being labeled either broken or underwhelming. To help find a middle ground between the two, I would like to share four pieces of advice (or, rather. insane ramblings) on how to create custom magical equipment in your game without derailing both your party balance and the game itself.

3 Tips for RPG Villains Your Players Will Love to Hate

Heroes are defined by their villains. But what really makes a villain worthy of such greatness? Here are 3 tips to help knock your villains out of the park! (Before your players literally knock them out of the park.)

Wishful Thinking: DM Tips for Granting D&D’s Most Powerful Spell

Few spells or abilities in dungeons & dragons are as powerful or open-ended as the Wish. Having the power to simply wish for whatever you want, and then have it given to you, is the stuff of legends. As a DM, how do you handle that?

Little Shop of Horrors: 3 Rules for Running D&D Magic Item Stores

Kajit has wares if you have coins.

Should your players be able to buy magical items in your campaign? It’s not a new question for DM’s, and believe me, I understand that plenty of DMs feel very strongly against this. However, I ask you to hear me out because this has worked beautifully in many of my previous campaigns, including the one I’m running now.

The Holy Grail: Making Your Epic & Crazy DM Ideas Work in a Game

Let me start with a warning: I am, and have always been, a DM who wants the party to do crazy, super, heroic things like they are living out scenes from mythology. With that said, let me tell you the tale of Sir Thomas & the Quest for the Holy Grail, and how a truly epic adventure played out in one of my games.