Bringing NPCs to Life: How to Build Legendary Characters Your Players Will Talk About for Decades

The best NPCs become legends, the rest won’t even be memories. How do you bring NPCs to life so players will engage with, trust and remember them?

How to Move a Stalled RPG Campaign Forward

At some point, every DM sees their campaign get lost in the weeds. How do you get the PCs back on track and involved with the big, bad plotline?

DMing Large Groups: 19 Tips for Running Games With 6 or More Players

Most TTRPGs, including D&D 5E, run best with 3-5 players. How can you run them smoothly with 6, 8 or even 10 PCs? Here’s how the 3 Wise DMs handle it.

5 DM Combat Tricks to Challenge the Toughest PC Parties

Not every D&D fight should be a 2-hour slugfest for the party’s lives. But at the same time, how often does it feel like the party is steamrolling everyone they meet without having to break a sweat? Here are 5 tactics I use to make combat more dangerous when I want to challenge the party. They’ll put the PCs on the back foot and make them feel less than comfortable on the battlefield.

DM Inspiration and Influences: The Gaming and Culture Stuff That Makes Us Who We Are

We all stand on the shoulders of giants in games, whether those are metaphorical giants, literary giants or literal giants. In this episode, the 3 Wise DMs talk about the things that shape their games and how they directly impact what they do.

Happy Birthday to Us!

It’s been a year since we launched 30 podcast episodes, 60 blog posts, 10,000 downloads and 30,000 site visitors later, and here we are. So, Happy Birthday to us! Thank you to all of our listeners and visitors (not to mention all of you who follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) for making … Read more

DM Burnout: 6 Things That Cause It, and How We Recover From It

What does DM burnout look like? What does it feel like? Can you play through it? Here’s what the 3 Wise DMs have learned, and tips to start healing.

The Bootstrap Guide to DMing Your First Role Playing Game

Every DM needs to run their first game, and you don’t need a Ph.D. to do it. Here’s the 3 Wise DMs’ advice for mastering the game while you run it.

2020: A Year in the 3 Wise DMs TTRPG Lab

In March of 2020, we were getting ready to record our first episode of this podcast. We all got together in our planned recording space and cut the trailer. … Then COVID happened, and that entire plan went into the garbage along with concerts, vacations and sending kids to school. For some people, 2020 was a quarantine lockdown. For us, it was a year in the lab doing intensive DMing and podcasting. Here’s how it went, what we learned and our resolutions for gaming in 2021.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays From the 3 Wise DMs

It’s been a good year for 3 Wise DMs, launching the new podcast and website. Thank you all for the support. We’re going to take a long winter’s nap for Christmas and New Year, but look for new podcasts and articles starting the first week of January 2021! We hope you all have a wonderful … Read more