Update From 3 Wise DMs

As you have undoubtedly noticed, Thorin, Tony, and I have not been posting our weekly podcasts. Some of you have reached out to ask if there were any problems, and we are truly thankful for that; we’re still completely humbled that so many of you have joined us in our continuing conversations.

Without giving details that we don’t currently have, we’ve been dealing with some serious medical conditions here and have had to make the difficult decision to place the podcast on hiatus for the time being.

As we have more information, we will be sharing it with all of you. We ask for your continued patience and support during these uncertain times.

Please keep your eyes peeled for upcoming articles and, as always, we are active on all our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.) Feel free to interact with us on any of those.

We have loved every step of this journey that we’ve been on and look forward to our continued conversations.



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