The Bootstrap Guide to DMing Your First Role Playing Game

The (only) rules, mechanics and judgment calls you need to know to start your first game.

Every DM needs to run their first game, and you don’t need a Ph.D. to do it! If you’re new to the system, and especially if everyone is new to the system, how much do you really need to know to start a game?

Do you need to read all the rulebooks cover to cover? No. Do you need to design a minimum of 6 dungeon levels and populate it with monsters like Gary Gygax first intended? Absolutely not.

So, what do you actually need to know to bring some friends together, throw your first game, and help everyone learn how to play along the way? Here’s how Thorin, Tony and Dave learned to DM themselves, and their advice for mastering the game while you run it.

3:00 Start with character creation

9:00 Just get to “minimum viable build” system understanding

14:00 It’s fine to launch with the system’s starter adventure and pre-gen characters

19:00 The core rules you need to know to start a game in any system: Dice, core rule, what kinds of encounters and conflicts is it built around?

27:00 Why you shouldn’t try to read the whole handbook and DM/GM guide before playing

32:00 How to prep your first starter adventure

35:00 Don’t be afraid to stop to look things up — set an expectation with your players that you’re all learning and supporting each other

39:00 Don’t be afraid to adlib and make a judgment call – and to revisit rules after the game

44:00 Monster wrangling for beginners – no one has fun in a first-game TPK

52:00 Some thoughts on introductory adventures, difficulty and leveling

58:00 What you want out of the player group for your first game

61:00 Final thoughts

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