Inspiration: How You Use It and 4 Ways You Can Improve It In Your D&D Game

Inspiration. Along with Advantage and Disadvantage, its one

of the most streamlined mechanics in 5e. However, we all love to try new or

adjusted mechanics to continually improve our DMing. Fellow Wise DM Mike Shea

over at Sly Flourish shared an article discussing the Luck System from Kobold

Press’ Project Black Flag playtest.

In this episode, Tony, Chris, and Dave discuss Inspiration;

how we use it in our games and the changes we have made and are thinking of

making to improve our games.

For all those Inspiration dice, check out our affiliate link

at FanRoll Dice to get 10% off your entire order.

3:00 Our recent Marvel FASERIP game that gave us some ideas.

Check out Professor Bill at Comic Book University.

4:15 Keeping track of Inspiration, both as a player and as a


5:20 How something like the Luck System evens out the power

differential between DM and players.

7:25 Our first change… DM Dave allowing DM Inspiration to

stack starting in our Curse of Strahd campaign.

13:25 How the idea of karma from the FASERIP system is more

than Inspiration.

14:16 We start to brainstorm, in real time, an idea to tie

karma and Inspiration together.

15:25 Bards… the pros and cons of the quintessential buff

and inspiration class.

17:45 Our second change… DM Dave using Inspiration as a

reaction for the bard from the One D&D playtest in our Dragonlance: Shadow

of the Dragon Queen campaign.

20:38 Our third change… DM Tony’s method of using

Inspiration and other rewards that are active for a single session.

24:08 Our fourth change… DM Chris’ method of Inspiration in

the form of Blessings, single-use Magic Items, and Campfire Tales in our Tomb

of Annihilation campaign.

34:30 Introducing the right amount of chaos into your game

and our return to the discussion about the location of the Sunsword in our Curse

of Strahd campaign.

38:50 A trip down memory lane when you could stack potions…

in your belly.

39:42 Final Thoughts.

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