3WD Talk Dungeons & Dragons on Dragon Talk!

Our recent article on running scenes outside of your game sessions caught some attention by none other than the official D&D podcast Dragon Talk! So, Thorin and Tony got the chance to sit down with Dragon Talk’s co-host, Shelly Mazzanoble, on their “How to DM” segment to discuss the devil the in the details!

WotC Changing D&D 5E Monsters and More – Are These the Updates the Game Needs?

At D&D Celebration, Wizards of the Coast held a Future of D&D panel discussion. Among the topics discussed were changes to the way monsters will be presented, balanced, and rebalanced around Monsters of the Multiverse as well as some hints about how settings will be presented in the future. Are these the right changes to make? Thorin, Tony and Dave break down what we heard and how it could impact the way we DM.