Surrender Like a Boss: When RPG Monsters and NPCs Should Give Up and How to Get PCs to Accept Their Submission

Sometimes the best stories play out after defeat, but to get to them, bad guys need to occasionally survive the fight. In this episode, Thorin, Tony and Dave roll out their best tricks for using surrender as a storytelling tool, combat hack, and reminder that actions in their RPG worlds have consequences.

21 Tips to Master D&D Combat: How to Run RPG Fights That Balance Fun, Challenge and Time Investment

Combat is such a central part of D&D 5E, but it’s also a part of the game that can take forever! And not all players are down for a 4-hour fight every game session. What can the DM do to keep the fights fun for everyone, even if some players in the party want fast combat and others want to take their time and enjoy the tactics? How do you make sure you’re not the one slowing combat down and killing the vibe?

5 DM Combat Tricks to Challenge the Toughest PC Parties

Not every D&D fight should be a 2-hour slugfest for the party’s lives. But at the same time, how often does it feel like the party is steamrolling everyone they meet without having to break a sweat? Here are 5 tactics I use to make combat more dangerous when I want to challenge the party. They’ll put the PCs on the back foot and make them feel less than comfortable on the battlefield.

3 Ways to Pace D&D Encounters, Sessions and Games

How much do the 3 Wise DMs plan to get done, and how do they get games back on track when things bog down?

Unclog the Slog: Tracking Initiative and Managing Combat in D&D 5E

Nothing kills a Dungeons & Dragons 5E game faster than combat becoming a bore. And nothing makes combat more boring than long turns, people not knowing who’s up next, and, the worst, a DM who takes longer to move his monsters than the party takes to kill them. The combat slog can turn into Artax … Read more