Ballad For The Bartender – 3 Quick Tips to Make NPCs More Interactive and Meaningful in Your D&D Game

If there is one truly archetypal NPC, the bartender is it. Friend, confidant, drink deliverer, quest giver. They might be the first NPCs we create when fleshing out a new city, in addition to often being our player’s first roleplay interaction. 

Now, everyone in your world doesn’t need to revolve around beer and crossbows (although if you feel it does I’m always looking for a new campaign), but there are fundamental pieces there that we can use to make our other NPCs more interactive and meaningful. I’d like to share three simple tips to help make all your NPCs shine like our beloved bartenders.

Bringing NPCs to Life: How to Build Legendary Characters Your Players Will Talk About for Decades

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3 Tips for RPG Villains Your Players Will Love to Hate

Heroes are defined by their villains. But what really makes a villain worthy of such greatness? Here are 3 tips to help knock your villains out of the park! (Before your players literally knock them out of the park.)