How to Continue the Game When the PCs Reach Level 20

Shrek vs. The Avengers: The feeling of level 1 D&D vs. level 20.

While there are definitely reasons why a campaign should end when the group reaches level 20, there are also plenty of reasons why it shouldn’t if the players wish to continue. This article will not focus on the philosophy of when a game should end, it will instead look at options making play past level 20 possible. Let’s see if we can accomplish this without reinventing the wheel or rewriting every class – and keep experience points as a viable reward.

The Epic-Tier Divide: Bringing Your DnD Campaign Into the Wild World of High-Level Play

Epic level play can turn even a visit to hell into a weirdly casual game.

Super-powered archmages, alien vampire gods, Tiamat and the devil himself – once your campaign crosses about level 15, it’s all on the table. But the same is true for super-powerful spells, legendary artifacts, and a hundred other things that make the players as tough as your wildest villain creations. This is why epic-tier play just isn’t the same as everything your campaign has been through before.

Does D&D 5E Need Character Levels? Radical (Heretical?) Ideas About Dungeons & Dragons PC Advancement

Leveling up! It’s synonymous with D&D and one of the game’s biggest contributions to gaming culture. The very idea of gaining a level has become a staple of RPG video games, board games, and even most (but not all, as we’ll discuss) Tabletop Roleplaying Games. But is it the best way to handle character advancement in D&D 5th Edition?

How to End Your Campaign the Right Way

Every story needs a proper ending, especially if it’s one of epic proportions. And few tales are as epic as an RPG campaign that reaches the end of its final story arc. Unfortunately, some endings are like The Sopranos, which left the audience thinking “WTF?!” for all the wrong reasons. Others feel rushed, forced or downright unsatisfying. After being on both sides of this equation, I would like to share some tips to prevent your story from tanking in the 11th hour and leave everyone glad they showed up for the final game.

How to DM Epic-Tier Games: 19 Tips for Running – and Ending – High-Level TTRPG Campaigns

How do you challenge RPG PCs who wield actual cosmic power? How do you bring that campaign to a satisfying end? The time for killing rats is past, here’s how the 3 Wise DMs run and end high-level campaigns.

The Holy Grail: Making Your Epic & Crazy DM Ideas Work in a Game

Let me start with a warning: I am, and have always been, a DM who wants the party to do crazy, super, heroic things like they are living out scenes from mythology. With that said, let me tell you the tale of Sir Thomas & the Quest for the Holy Grail, and how a truly epic adventure played out in one of my games.