WotC Changing D&D 5E Monsters and More – Are These the Updates the Game Needs?

At D&D Celebration, Wizards of the Coast held a Future of D&D panel discussion. Among the topics discussed were changes to the way monsters will be presented, balanced, and rebalanced around Monsters of the Multiverse as well as some hints about how settings will be presented in the future. Are these the right changes to make? Thorin, Tony and Dave break down what we heard and how it could impact the way we DM.

6 Ideas to Make D&D 5E Combat More Interesting for Martial Characters

One problem I have with 5E D&D is that martial combat isn’t that interesting. When I look at the hundreds of years people were fighting with arms and armor, I just see a lot more interesting things we could do with the martial side of the game that I think would add depth and make it more fun.

6 Ways to Get Everyone at the Game Table More Involved

Ideally, you want all of your players getting the most from their gaming experience instead of just one or two players stealing the show. Rather than trying to coach several of your players to be more involved, there are ways you can adapt how your game runs to accomplish this painlessly. This is why we’ve composed a list of tips to get all of your players more involved in the game without it feeling forced. If done well, these will help your party not only function as a more effective team but perhaps enjoy the game itself even more. 

A Bad Day for the Black Dragon: 5 Mistakes I Made DMing My First D&D 5E Dragon Fight

Dragons! They are the logo monster of Dungeons & Dragons. They are fire. They are death. They are the winged nightmares of any fantasy citizen. … Except the one my party chewed through in about 3 rounds. *sigh* So, the party had fun, and good for them! But on my end, mistakes were made, and here’s what I think they were.

21 Tips to Master D&D Combat: How to Run RPG Fights That Balance Fun, Challenge and Time Investment

Combat is such a central part of D&D 5E, but it’s also a part of the game that can take forever! And not all players are down for a 4-hour fight every game session. What can the DM do to keep the fights fun for everyone, even if some players in the party want fast combat and others want to take their time and enjoy the tactics? How do you make sure you’re not the one slowing combat down and killing the vibe?

5 DM Combat Tricks to Challenge the Toughest PC Parties

Not every D&D fight should be a 2-hour slugfest for the party’s lives. But at the same time, how often does it feel like the party is steamrolling everyone they meet without having to break a sweat? Here are 5 tactics I use to make combat more dangerous when I want to challenge the party. They’ll put the PCs on the back foot and make them feel less than comfortable on the battlefield.

9 Things D&D 5E Does Really Well, and 10 Things It Doesn’t

How we lean in to the best of D&D 5E while adjusting and homebrewing its role-playing game mechanics to fit the campaign styles they run.

9 Killer Monster Combos for D&D 5E – Use With Caution!

KIller combos can get out of hand quickly if you're not careful.

We talked about some of our favorite monster combos in giving out “wisest” answers to the 7 Questions Dungeon Masters Ask. But we came away feeling like those barely scratched the surface. So I reached back to my InQuest Magazine days and went digging for monster combos like they were Magic cards. While I didn’t find any Channel-Fireballs, here are 9 monster combos for D&D 5E that will give your players a lot to think about.

7 Questions Dungeon Masters Ask and Our ‘Wisest’ Answers

How do you handle a TPK? How do you get players to do their homework? What are some good D&D 5E monster combos? From Facebook to Twitter to the 3WiseDMs.com website, these are the top Dungeon Master questions listeners have asked the wise guys at 3WD.

The Tao of D&D Encounters: How We Build Fights That Fit Our Games

The encounter is the heartbeat of most D&D games, especially in 5E. Here’s how we work to make them fun in our games, and what we do when they go wrong.