DMing 101: 8 Ways the Justice League Snyder Cut Can Improve Your D&D Game

There are a lot of themes in The Snyder Cut of Justice League that are akin to gaming. In many respects, the superhero genre is the cousin of the Dungeons & Dragons world. Here are 8 things that Zack Snyder’s Justice League did well from a gaming perspective that we should all strive to hit while running and conceptualizing our games.

Adventure Time: 15 Tips to Build and DM Great Adventures

The Feeling of Embarking on a DnD Adventure

Role-playing games, at their heart, are all about adventure! But are the stories you’re telling and sessions you’re building really creating “an adventure” your players will enjoy? How do you build focused, engaging, self-contained quests that span 3-6 sessions (roughly) with a tight theme, clear goals, fun ways to achieve them, and satisfying rewards at the end?

6 Steps to Building Your First D&D Session

Whether it’s the first session of your campaign or the first session of your DMing career, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the big things you want to do and miss the little things that start your game off on the right foot. Here are 6 steps for prepping your first session that will bring the party together to kick some butt.