Sharing RPG Worlds: Balancing PC Power Levels and NPC Portrayals Across Shared Campaigns With Multiple DMs

Across the games we’re running and playing, we have several campaign worlds, NPCs, and PCs that cross over between DMs. Usually, this is no big deal, but sometimes what one DM does can unbalance what another DM is trying to do.

Often this revolves around PC power, with characters in both our Marvel and Woodstock Wanderers game sometimes breaking the curve for the other DMs/GMs. But conflict can also arise over how shared NPCs and campaign worlds are portrayed. If one DM’s giant unfeeling tentacle monster is going to destroy the world, they can’t have another DM turning it into a Chibi Cthulhu familiar.

How do you handle balance and communication with these shared world pieces? That’s what Thorin, Tony and Dave are digging into in this episode of 3 Wise DMs. They talk about where the conflicts arise, why they’re a problem, and how they’ve dealt with them so everyone can run the games they want but still dip into the other campaigns in a fun way.

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2:00 DMing PCs in shared universes with multiple DMs

4:00 PC power levels in shared universes: Our Marvel Super Heroes and D&D Sword Coast campaigns

8:00 Don’t be the grandparent spoiling the kids and sending them home to their “parent” DM

13:00 The ol’ “Mom said no, go ask dad” DMing conundrum

16:00 When Storm King’s Thunder came to Woodstock: Why a level 13 Wizard tried to wrestle an ancient green dragon … and almost won

22:00 How one over-powered character can bust the encounter curve and drive up difficulty

29:00 “But my character played in those games and earned those boons. They deserve to be able to use them.”

31:00 Making PCs from other games NPCs in your games in a shared universe

34:00 Topping out: When have you given out too much power?

38:00 Where should the boundaries be for giving out magic and homebrew?

46:00 How the sacrifice boons work in Woodstock Wanderers

50:00 How much level and power variation is OK between characters in the same game?

62:00 Dealing with differences in DM style

66:00 How do you communicate and manage these issues with the other DMs?

72:00 Sharing NPCs without taking them “off-brand”

77:00 Final thoughts

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