Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays From the 3 Wise DMs

It’s been a good year for 3 Wise DMs, launching the new podcast and website. Thank you all for the support. We’re going to take a long winter’s nap for Christmas and New Year, but look for new podcasts and articles starting the first week of January 2021!

We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and get to spend some quiet time with your loved ones. Remember:

  • No killing PCs in your Christmas game (and technically, we’d consider any game between Christmas and New Year still a Christmas game).
  • Give the Christmas Dragon some good loot.
  • If you have a New Year’s game with of-age players, may we suggest real champagne to celebrate?

Actually, a New Year’s game sounds pretty good … You could have the party chase down a runaway baby New Year? Or, maybe, they need to catch the powerful Lich year 2020? He’s setting dumpster fires and spreading disease, and it’s up to the PCs to bring this evil year to an end! We’d play that.

However you plan to spend the time between now and New Year’s day, look for a new episode of 3 Wise DMs on January 3, 2021!

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