
Is He-Man Revelations Worthy of the Title ‘Masters of the Universe’?

Greetings, gamers from all systems, places and timelines!

Like many children of the 80s, one of my first exposures to the sword and sorcery genre was from the original He-Man cartoon. This wildly popular show was filled with Sci-Fi and magic and yet still managed to teach lessons of morality. And while it’s not surprising that the franchise was later rebooted, it seemed likely that it would play out in two ways:

  1. The show could be truly amazing if it was based on everything great about the original while adding new stories, solid voice acting and modern animation.
  2. Or, it would be untrue to the source material and have all the charm of a burning Septa bus crashing into a landfill.

However, the online reviews say it’s both: Rotten Tomatoes has it rated at 94% while the almighty Google has it floating at a scathing 48%.

So, let’s get to the bottom of this and determine if the show does indeed have the power or should be banished to the dungeons of Snake Mountain. 

Beware of Spoilers and Disclaimer: This show’s analysis will be based entirely on its content and devoid of any politics – as I would rather be hit with every one of Tiamat’s breath weapons simultaneously than go there, but I digress. 

The Death of Superman

Is it, though?

At the end of episode one, He-Man, the most powerful man in the Universe, dies along with his arch-rival Skeletor. And, just like in the DC version of the story, it left the surviving characters in the aftermath struggling to move on. 

This, to be fair, left me with some mixed feelings. On one hand, it was an unexpected enormous plot twist that allowed for a new and interesting story. But on the other hand, this has made many people ask, “Am I really going to watch a show if it no longer has its two main characters?” 

Friendships Destroyed 

With the demise of He-Man, his secret identity could no longer remain hidden. When this happened, King Randor felt betrayed and banished his old friend, the original Man-at-Arms, from the kingdom.

However, this moment was quickly overshadowed by how Teela processed all of these events. Teela  was lied to by both her father and closest friends for literally years so Prince Adam’s secret could remain intact. Now, with him dead, the last thing she wanted to hear is how this was for the greater good when nearly everyone else knew. With that, she left what remained of the group and the service of the king as well.

If you are reasonably familiar with these characters, you will most likely find it was an extremely powerful scene that was both well-written and well-acted. 

They Joke About the Original 

Several points that make light of the original show, especially in moments where the original writers were trying to do the nigh-impossible job of keeping 1980s TV censors happy while still actually having an entertaining show. Some of these occurred during flashbacks of He-Man’s adventures where he delivers a one-liner mid-battle that would have made Mr. Rogers groan. 

In the scene where He-Man runs Skeletor though, Skeletor then looks at him and says something to the effect of “You finally you used your sword like it was intended.” Which, in the context of the show, was to unlock the hidden secrets of Castle Grayskull. However, it made me chuckle because, in the original cartoon, He-Man never used his sword on an actual living thing other than maybe for disarming someone. Got the coolest sword in the universe? Great, now put it away so when your opponent charges you can use a high school wrestling move to throw them into a muddy pit ending the combat. 

Sharp Animation and Combat 

To be fair, the original wasn’t a classic because of the amazingly choreographed fight scenes. This, however, is no longer an issue. The new animation is crisp, not recycled and no longer feels like you’re watching something from the 80s where thousands of shots are fired and absolutely no one gets hit.

Case in point: The assault on Castle Grayskull was fantastically done showing a massive battle between good, evil, magic and technology all masterfully together. 

The Cast Is Astounding 

I’m not sure how they pulled all of this talent together, but they managed to land voice actors who are legendary for their roles as Batman and the Joker. Not to mention the actresses who played Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Cersei Lannister and Batgirl, just to name a few of their roles. However, there is one actor on this team who plays Mossman, Alan Oppenheimer, who has such an impressive resume that even Patrick Stewart would have to tip his hat. And while I am definitely no casting expert, I am willing to bet that, if you dislike this show, it’s very unlikely it will be because the voice acting was weak. 

I Can’t Miss You if You’re Not Gone 

Just as everyone was about to succeed in their quest to restore magic to Eternia, they find Prince Adam in the afterlife.  While this was a touching moment, it may lead to problems down the road if the dead don’t stay that way. As the audience and characters alike almost digested the death of He-Man, the hero walks on the set good as new.

Don’t get me wrong, killing both the main characters was a bold move, and honestly, I didn’t expect it to be a forever thing – especially in a world filled with powerful magic with undefined limitations. But while time passed in the story, it did not for the audience. So, while he might have been dead for years, for us it was only a few episodes. 

The Season Ending Was a Massive Cliffhanger 

Just when everything is coming together, Skeletor pulls a Voldemort and returns to life. He then quickly demonstrates what a proper sneak attack looks like by taking Prince Adam down, stealing his sword and making himself the most powerful villain in the Universe. To the show’s credit, this was once again a hell of a plot twist! It left things with the hero in a pool of his own blood while Teela dialed 911. Meanwhile, Skeletor and Evil Lynn are picking out new drapes for Castle Grayskull. 

Final Thoughts 

Sure, it has some elements of cheese, like a character whose name is actually Hero. However, I found Masters of the Universe Revelations thoroughly enjoyable and personally cannot wait to see how Eternia will be saved when Skeletor  holds all of the cards. The story is well-designed, the animation impressive and the voice acting top-notch. Therefore, I’m more on the side of the Rotten Tomatoes rating and will be looking forward to season two. 

Have you watched it or plan to? Or are you a fan of the original? Either way, we would love to hear your thoughts on them. 

1 thought on “Is He-Man Revelations Worthy of the Title ‘Masters of the Universe’?”

  1. I watched the first part. I was ok with it, I mean, yes, that first episode was a shocker, thereby making the rest ambitious but somehow doesn’t feel like it lives up to what it aspires to. Then the end of part one, Holy S#!t


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