Happy Thanksgiving From 3WD!


We’ve got a lot to be thankful for this year, but riding high above all of it is our thanks to you.

While it might sound trite or corny, we really mean it. For long-time listeners, you knew what we went through when our dear old, erstwhile leader, Thorin McGee passed on last year.

So many of you reached out and lent your condolences, your well-wishes, and your donations to Thorin’s widow. Tony and I were beyond touched and it helped us understand what this small thing we call 3 Wise DMs meant to all of you and to the ever-growing community that sprung up around us.

For those listeners newer to the podcast, when we returned in March of this year, you were introduced to the next iteration of 3 Wise DMs featuring our dear friend, my brother, and our long-time gaming companion, DM Chris! Tony and I are especially thankful for his agreeing to join us on our continuing journeys.

So, please know that when you all gather around whatever table you might find yourselves – whether it be Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving – please know that our thanks and our love to our 3WD community is very real and very true… do we really have to say that we couldn’t do it without you?

With the holiday upon us, we will not be releasing an episode this week, but will return to our regularly scheduled program after awaking from our turkey-comas.

To tide you all over, please look for DM Chris’ long-awaited Part 3 to his Favorite Subclasses article series this Sunday!

Raise a glass, give a toast, roll some funny-looking dice and give thanks this holiday. I know we will.

As always, heroes… LIVE THE ADVENTURE!

1 thought on “Happy Thanksgiving From 3WD!”

  1. And a Happy Thanksgiving to you, Dave! You and Bonnie, and Chris and Matt and Tony and Jenn and the whole 3WD group! I am very thankful to have found this wonderful group of people (although technically I guess you found me when you press-ganged half the writers group for new players 🙂 ). I had not played D&D since around 1980 and I had forgotten how much fun it can be. Thanks so much for re-introducing it to me and also for offering your friendship to an old fogey like me!


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